Sunday, April 6, 2014

Your fridge will soon buy your groceries!

Today,we are going to talk about food (I love food!), and how IoT (Internet of Things) can help food businesses to expand their operations and increase the number of point of sales in an economically efficient way.

An American start up called Pantry provides food companies with a very smart business solution to sell their products unattended/without staff.

Capture d’écran 2014-04-06 à 17.37.22.png

You can discover their product in the following video:

The “intelligent” fridge uses the RFID technology to charge the customers. They will be billed what they removed from the fridge.

Value is not only added for the customer, who can assess and check the food  before actually buying it, but for the company too. Indeed Pantry  provides its customers with analytics enabling the food providers to optimize restocking, identify trends, and ensure freshness. They also provide up to minute inventory and sales data. This data will be used to optimize operations and increase both customer satisfaction and profits.

In the near future we can imagine a company like Corte Ingles in Spain (of Whole Foods in the USA). To develop the same kind of technology where a customer would fill in a database their standard fridge inventory, and every week Corte Ingles would only refill the items that are no longer recorded as being in the fridge. The company could also send text messages to the customers when there is a shortage of an item in fridge reminding them to do pick it at the store.

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